

3-6 months  •  Is the project viable?

Core Community Planning

  1. Assemble the Community Planning Committee
  2. Determine Community Service Providers
  3. Create Service Package that will be offered to the Community

Site Due-Diligence

  1. Zoning Analysis
  2. Utility Availability
  3. HOP (Highway Occupancy Permit) Requirements
  4. Parking Requirements

Macro Space Programming

  1. Local Tenant / Owner
  2. Primary Health Network
  3. Local Hospital
  4. Other Social Service Providers / Non-Profit Organizations

Diagramming + Site Planning

  1. Conceptual Floor Plans with Tenant Space Block Planning
  2. Building Elevation Concepts (Appearance / Character)
  3. Conceptual Site Plan

Cost Modeling / Estimating

Identify / Confirm Funding Sources



3 months  •  Establish the final scope, cost, and funding source of project

Site Development Requirements / Limitations

  1. Boundary / Topographic Survey
  2. Phase I Environmental Evaluation
  3. Preliminary Wetlands Assessment
  4. Site Adapt Building Footprint (based on above)
  5. Core Borings and Soils Analysis
  6. Refine Conceptual Site Plan (Tenant / Local Tenant Specific Site Needs)
  7. Site Construction Cost Estimate

Building Refinement / Requirements

  1. Building Concept Refinement / Basis of Design w/Outline Specifications
  2. Micro Space Planning for all User Groups
  3. Building Construction Cost Estimate

Project Financing and Funding Package

  1. Financial Pro-Forma
  2. Letters of Commitment with Terms and Conditions to Lease
  3. Funding / Financing Commitments



18-24 months

Land Development / Building Planning Approval

  1. Local Site Planning Approval
  2. State-Level Site Planning  Approval
  3. Local Building Permit
  4. PA Department of Health Approval (if applicable)

Building Design and Construction Documents

Estimating / Funding and Financing
